Mulla Nasruddin - Hindi

by C.B.International

Books & Reference


मुल्ला नसरुद्दीन होजा तुर्की (और संभवतः सभी देशों का) सबसे प्रसिद्द विनोद चरित्र है। तुर्की भाषा में होजा शब्द का अर्थ है शिक्षक या स्कॉलर. उसकी चतुराई और वाकपटुता के किस्से संभवतः किसी वास्तविक इमाम पर आधारित हैं।Mulla Nasruddin ki Daastaan is a collection of Hindi stories based on the stories of Mulla Nasruddin.Mulla Nasruddin is the starring character in a vast number of amusing tales told in regions all over the world.Each tale depicts Nasrudin in a different situation, and through his viewpoint they humorously reveal commentary and lessons on various life themes. The great allure of the Mulla Nasrudin tales is that they are funny as well as lesson filled, philosophical, and thought provoking.The character Mulla Nasruddin is sometimes wise, sometimes foolish, and sometimes both. He is a unique spin on a wise sage or philosopher character. Much of Nasrudin’s actions and can be described as illogical yet logical, rational yet irrational, bizarre yet normal, and simple yet profound. What adds even further to his uniqueness is the way he gets across his messages in unconventional yet very effective methods.Special Feature of App----------------------------------------CHANGE TEXT SIZE You can change the text size of Story as per your requirement. Just go to Options Menu and choose "Change Text Size". You can select the Text size from smallest to largest. Just select and hit Save. The size of Story Text will change as per your choice (Applicable only in Story Screen). This feature is very useful when you are using Tablets or Phones with large screens.BOOKMARK FEATUREThis App supports bookmarks. Forgot from where you left reading? Just press the star icon[see screenshot] on the Story Page and the Page will be bookmarked. You can resume reading by selecting "Go to Bookmark" option from the Options Menu.DAY/NIGHT MODENow you can toggle between Day(Normal Mode) or Night mode for better reading from Menu Options.